Derek John Thompson

Derek John Thompson is a fully qualified registered practitioner in both Usui Reiki (Advanced Master Teacher) Holy fire, Karuna Reiki and Oden Reiki. He is a certified Body Talk Practitioner, MiriMiri Massage Therapist and also facilitates Sacred Healing and Soul Whole Presence healing. 

Derek offers many ways of healing so that you can achieve oneness and connectivity – first within your body and spirit, then within your personal life, leading to total connectivity with the Universe which can give you a greater sense of belonging. Derek helps you to understand that you can’t always control the external factors in life but that there is another way where you can re-find your true self and take back your power to live life fully.

Reiki Treatments – available throughout the year

Reiki Healing is a holistic restorative therapy, it is a way of life rather than a one-off treatment. It serves to look after the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body by re-aligning these bodies together back into harmony. It helps you unlock all of those tightly wound up places within, allowing you to relax, breathe and re centre back into the real you. Here is where you begin to reconnect back into love and wellness. Here is where you re open and begin to smile from your heart once more. Reiki welcomes you back into safety and breathes life and vitality into your soul.

Workshops – available throughout the year

Derek has worked with and attuned many Reiki practitioners over the years. He has a love for teaching his students so that they become aware of their gifts and how they can best serve their own lives and the wider community as they grow and develop in confidence. Students get practical experiences as well as learning the history of Reiki and all its many facets. Here they learn and discover Reiki principals and teachings. Learning to trust, listen and interpret differing energies and how that applies to themselves and other people. Through practical engagement of the practice, students encounter and learn how to work within the Reiki energy field.

Courses Available

Reiki level 1 and 2 – These levels set you up for self-healing and awareness and a better understanding of the Reiki 5 precepts. Level 2 advances you to experience and grow into reiki symbols and a deeper understanding of how and when to use these symbols as you move forward into your own practice and learning.

Reiki Master 3A – This level is known as the enlightenment level. This is where you receive the Reiki Master symbol and where you can go deeper into understanding of how reiki plays a part in every aspect of your life. Here you become more enlightened as further layers are removed from the old self to reveal more of who you truly are on the inside. Here we look at the higher dimensions of the higher self and the universal principals and laws where you receive a stronger connection and understanding to the energy itself.

Reiki Master Teacher Level – At this level of enlightenment you are given the Reiki Master Teacher symbols that will enable you to attune students in all levels. We go deeper into the philosophy of Reiki and how it influences our teaching and life to the degree that we become one with Reiki. It is an ongoing journey which starts and finishes with you. This level is for those who love to teach and pass on information that empowers others on their life path and journey. Derek welcomes any inquiries into learning Reiki. Classes are run from individual sessions to group work that can hold up to 8 people.

Quantum Retrieval + Whole Presence
Part 1 – Quantum Retrieval is a journey to meet your Divine Soul Essence and establish a clear knowing of your Soul light and vibration within your physical form. Similar to traditional soul retrieval we utilize shamanic principles of working with energy. From a deep altered state, you will journey within to locate your Soul Presence energy. In this two hour session, you will connect closely with your Soul’s unique vibration and qualities and anchor this in your body. This experience will give you an understanding of who you really are and your soul purpose in this life time. You will go through a series of questions to help you in this process while finding your soul presence. Here is where you discover what parts of you are missing and what you are holding onto that’s not yours and not a part of you. This will help you become clearer in your life journey. You may discover things about yourself that you never knew and gain greater awareness of what makes you truly happy and content with being you.

Part 2 – Whole Presence energy is your soul or life force energy. It is who you are. It is quite common for a person’s Presence to become fragmented, where you can feel broken, lost or scattered across space, time and dimension. Whole Presence work retrieves and re-unifies these fragments thereby restoring a person’s optimal spiritual potential. A full whole presence experience is a four-hour session. You will be guided and supported through a meditation process in a safe and sacred space. Breaks will be included.

Sacred Healing – Guided meditation to your Sacred Temple
Sacred healing is a journey that can be taken using Lemurian Seed Crystals which are an ancient healing tool. Lemurian crystals are uniquely formulated and found in Brazil. These crystals hold sacred knowledge and have been stored underground for thousands of generations. The crystals bring you a unique and specialised experience. Some will find their cellular memory activated, others will experience downloads of information for their journey ahead. The crystal reveals to you its own personal message that will enlighten you on your personal life path. The crystal is placed on the body or the hand and this is where you start to connect into the healing process. You will be guided into your own unique healing temple through a guided meditation where you will lie on your own crystal healing bed to receive a wonderful healing experience.

Mirimiri – full body massage with hot stone
Mirimiri is a therapeutic massage modality with a difference – taking your Wellness to another level. It is a deep and nurturing body therapy which supports the body in releasing cellular memory including our ancestral lineage. This includes working on both the masculine and feminine sides of the body, which helps restore it back into balance. Mirimiri massage includes the use of sacred hot stones and pressure point application.

Indian Head Massage
A wonderful calming and soothing modality. You remain fully clothed while your head, shoulders, upper and lower back are treated by masterful fingers that massage with healing. This will leave you feeling wonderfully relaxed and rejuvenated. You may wish to bring your own hair brush for a luxurious brushing which can be included in your treatment. The only down side is you may feel 30min is not long enough.

Bio Mats
Full length table to lay upon and a single chair mat to sit and rest. Made from channels of amethyst crystals that are heated and soothe the body. This bio mat works on the infrared rays which use negative ions and channels of amethyst. Experience the warmth and comfort of the bio mat as you lay down to rest and receive its comfort and restorative healing properties. It helps with circulation, supports medical treatments, soothes the nervous system from the fight, flight, freeze response and holds you in a safe nurturing space so that self-healing can take place. A warm and wonderfully nurturing experience to re-connect back to your body and self. You can choose to have the Bio mat experience while you’re also receiving a Reiki treatment or experience the Bio Mat on its own while listening to meditative music.